Have you wanted to give trail running a go, but always seem to find yourself sticking to the convenience of your local route. Well that is all about to change! We have broken down four key reasons why you should test out the trails!
Disconnect from your devices, enjoy the great outdoors and explore the wonders of the Great Otway National Park. Start your experience in Lorne along the iconic Great Ocean Road before delving into tall eucalypt forests, dry heathy scrub and dense fern gullies. Feel the tranquility wash over you as you breathe in the freshest of air in the most blissful of places.

You may think that trail running is harsher on the body, having to jump, duck and dive over the natural obstacles you encounter. Well studies have shown that due to the softer, natural surfaces trail running can be better for your joints. This is perfect for those returning from an injury, are suffering from knee problems or any other joint-related issues.
The different terrain and uneven surfaces challenge the lower body muscles more than a flat, firm run. This gives runners an overall workout, strengthening the core and improving ones sense of balance. It’s practically a strength, cardio, yoga session in one!

It is a well-known fact that spending time in nature reduces stress, now add a bit of running and feel that tension you’ve been holding onto melt away.
There is generally a different mindset between trail runners and road runners. Although many runners use running as a form of meditation, taking a break from the pressure of faster times and PBs can sometimes make it more enjoyable.
Trail running naturally has a more relaxed and easy-going approach. It offers runners the chance to get in tune with nature physically and spiritually, and can add a nice balance to your running regime.

Don’t take this the wrong way, we LOVE road running (especially on iconic roads) but we also love keeping things interesting and changing it up every now and again. Runners are creatures of habit. We wake up at the same time to run the same route and can easily get stuck in a running rut. If you’re looking to break things up, or maybe you just want to try something new – the 6.5km or 13km Trail Run may be exactly what you need. Forget about running your longest or fastest run, on the trails it’s all about the journey rather than the destination.