Gatorade has been an integral part of the running landscape since introducing the world’s first advanced hydration solution back in 1965. From training, to race day to recovery. Gatorade – It’s The Greatest Sports Fuel Of All Time.
But why is hydration so important? For preparation? For recovery? On race day and the everyday?
Perform at your best by understanding the critical role that electrolytes – especially sodium – play in your rehydration plan.
Fluid loss through sweating leads to increased blood osmolality, which stimulates thirst—this occurs at approximately 1-2% dehydration.1 In general, performance starts to become impaired once you’ve lost >2% of body weight. As a preventative approach, proper intervention should occur before the athlete experiences the symptoms of dehydration.
Sodium, along with chloride, is a primary electrolyte lost in sweat, though concentrations vary widely. Heavy, salty sweaters can experience significant sodium loss (>4 grams per day).2 Here are a few key sodium facts to keep in mind:
For more on the science of sweat visit
• Electrolyte replacement needs vary based on the individual. It is important to know which athletes are at risk of high electrolyte losses by conducting individual sweat tests.
• American College of Sports Medicine suggests a fluid replacement beverage for active people (e.g., Gatorade Thirst Quencher) include: ~20–30 meq/L sodium (chloride as the anion), ~2–5 meq/L potassium.4
1 Cheuvront S.N., Kenefick R.W. (2016) Am I Drinking Enough? Yes, No, and Maybe. J Am Coll Nutr. 35(2):185-192.
2 Barnes K.A., Anderson M.L., Stofan J.R., Dalrymple K.J., Reimel A.J., Roberts T.J., Randell R.K., Ungaro C.T., Baker L.B. (2019) Normative Data for Sweating Rate, Sweat Sodium Concentration, and Sweat Sodium Loss in Athletes: An Update and Analysis by Sport. J Sport Sci. 37(20):2356-2366.
3 Baker L.B., Wolfe A.S. (2020) Physiological Mechanisms Determining Eccrine Sweat Composition. Eur J Appl Physiol. 120:719-752.
4 Sawka M.N., Burke L.M., Eichner E.R., Maughan R.J., Montain S.J., Stachenfeld N.S. (2007) American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand: Exercise and Fluid Replacement. Med Sci Sport Exerc. 39:377-390.
Developed in collaboration with Lindsay Baker PhD, FACSM, The American College of Sports Medicine, and the Gatorade Sports Science Institute.
Disclaimer: The views in this resource are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of PepsiCo, Inc. This information is not a substitute for individualized judgement or independent professional advice. Neither PepsiCo, Gatorade, nor any of the contributors hereto assume any duty owed to third parties by those utilizing this information. Programs using this information are encouraged to seek and obtain advice from professionals responsible for the health and safety of their programs. © 2020 Stokely-Van Camp, Inc. All rights reserved.