Being 10 weeks out from race day means now is the perfect time to start adding some shorter, higher intensity workouts into your weekly training routine. This week we see the addition of speed sessions, a great way to improve endurance, oxygen storage and energy production.
Sprinting naturally increases the body’s endurance strength, making longer cardio and muscle strengthening training sessions easier to complete. Through sprinting and speed training exercises, the body increases its ability to store oxygen, which helps the muscles function in all forms of exercise.
If you’re looking to beat your PB, speed sessions are definitely for you. Studies have shown that when runners included speed sessions (running at near maximum effort for short periods of time) in their training, their overall running times improved. Just two speed sessions per week over a four week period is enough to see results.
It’s important to remember when introducing speed work into a training program to begin in small doses. Due to the higher intensity, sprinting at maximum speed will require the use of different muscle groups that may have previously been unused. Starting small and building up your speed work will minimize your risk of injury.
This week’s golden rule: Make sure you take the time to recover properly. Stretching and icing up after your sprint sessions is super important in ensuring your body recovers. .
It’s still not too late to start training! Our 12 week training plans are now available for the following events (it’s Week 3!):