Pilates to Improve Your Running

Pilates and running go together like spaghetti and meatballs.  Like popcorn and butter.  Like apple pie and ice cream.  You get it, they’re a great match!  But why?  Put simply, Pilates allows us to build strength throughout those key muscle groups such as the core and glutes, in a more low impact, less stressful way for our bodies.  


We all know that a strong core is at the ‘core’ of healthy running and again, this is where Pilates comes in.  Through many different Pilates exercises, core strength is at the centre of the movement – whether you’re doing an ab series, working through four-point kneeling, or a standing sequence, Pilates relies on and promotes the activation of the abdominals and deep core.  A strong, engaged core assists with alignment around the back, neck and shoulders, promoting relaxation through the upper body, and ultimately a more upright running posture.


Pilates also targets the muscles around your hips and glutes in a way that builds strength and endurance, but also increases mobility and flexibility, helping us say goodbye to tight hips and hip flexors! 


When practising Pilates, you’ll also be encouraged to focus on the connection to your breath, in line with your movement patterns.  This is good practise when it comes to running, knowing how important it is to control your breath and therefore better oxygenate the blood.


While Pilates is an incredible thing to integrate into your training program, it’s also important to know how helpful it can be when it comes to recovery.  It’s an ideal cross-training choice that assists with rehab, without putting your joints under any further stress.  Win, win!


Written by Maddi Tangey – CorePlus Studios


To check out some run-specific Pilates classes from our Wellness Partner, CorePlus, click below.


Total Body Pilates with Erin and Lou



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