Caring for the environment and saving money go hand in hand when you reduce your energy use and carbon footprint by taking these small steps.
Your home is your haven but when it comes to the environment it’s not so kind. Heating, lighting and household waste unfortunately contribute to carbon emissions, which interfere with the atmosphere. In fact, the EPA estimates that Australian households generate at least one-fifth of Australia’s greenhouse gases.
Making small steps to reduce your “carbon footprint” — the total amount of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane you produce as an individual (or household) — can have financial and environmental benefits. The online Australian Greenhouse Calculator is a handy way to find out how your lifestyle contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.
Tips to reduce your energy use
Create new habits to reduce energy use
There are all kinds of hidden energy users in your home. Save money and energy with small changes that focus on changing your habits, such as turning off appliances at the wall when not in use and reducing your water consumption.
Reconsider your temperature control
Energy efficiency is a great opportunity to control costs while reducing your carbon footprint. When cold weather hits, instead of going straight to turning on the heater, consider putting on a jumper or another layer of clothing to keep you warm. If you’re still cold, set your heater to around 20°C to 22°C rather than 25 to 27°C, as this saves on energy bills. In summer, the recommended setting for an air conditioner is 23 to 26°C. You can also improve your home’s insulation with double-glazed windows and quality curtains, and ensure that both your heater and air conditioner are running efficiently with a regular service.
Replace your Lightbulbs
Two simple ways to save money and lower your carbon emissions are to replace your lightbulbs with quality LED lightbulbs and to invest in key appliances that reduce energy consumption, such as heat pump hot water systems.
Solar panels
Installing solar panels can help reduce both your carbon footprint and energy bills by allowing you to generate and use your own renewable energy. As a proud supporter of Green Week, RACV Solar can provide a tailored quote and a solar solution to meet your needs.
From eating less meat to shopping at tip shops, there are many other steps you can take towards sustainable living. Learn more HERE
Author: Danny Baggs