Although we have gone virtual due to the safety precautions caused by covid-19, there are still safety practices that you should follow when participating in the Great Ocean Road Virtual Running Festival, it’s #yourrunyourway, but we should all be putting our health and safety first.
- Follow social distancing practices. If you find yourself on a crowded route or are running with a friend, you should protect yourself and those around you by spreading out and maintaining distance at least 1.5 metres/ 6 feet apart from others (the recommendation for safe social distancing).
- Follow hygiene practices. Don’t forget to wash your hands before you start your run. If your course includes crossing at lights, use your elbow/sleeve to press the traffic button. And of course, don’t forget to wash your hands when you get back. Bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you for extra precaution. Please do not share any items that could put your health or others health at danger. Ie drink bottle, gels, food, etc.
- Make sure you’re visible.No matter the time of day you are running, ensure you are wearing white/bright coloured active wear. It is so important that you are visible, especially to drivers on the roads. If running in the early morning, night, or dusk, make sure you are wearing reflective clothing/accessories.
- Wear your digital bib. Your digital bib is more than just an accessory to show off that you are taking part in such a great event, it is crucial in case of emergency. Ensure you have filled in the emergency contact details correctly, and for further precaution you could take with you your phone and driver’s license. Many runners use running belts to hold their ID and phone.
- Plan and share your route. Map out your route before you run your virtual event, this way you know where you are going and can be sure to run the exact distance required. Also, make sure you share your route and expected finish time with a friend or family member. We recommend asking a family member or friend to be your support person for your event to keep track of where you are and be on call if you require any assistance.
- Remain Alert to your surroundings. It is important for your safety that you remain alert and aware of your surroundings during your event. If running with headphones, please ensure the volume is set to a level that still allows you to hear and react to any surrounded noises ie. Vehicles, bikes, walkers/runners etc
- Don’t run alone at night. It does not matter how well you know the route or how comfortable you feel running at night, there is always more safety in numbers. If you’re running solo try and find time during daylight hours to complete your distance.
- Don’t make assumptions about drivers. We strongly recommend a course that avoids using live roads as much as possible to remove and limit interaction with vehicles. But this may not be possible for some of you, so for these participants please don’t assume that drivers can see you. There is a chance that they aren’t paying attention because they’re listening to the radio, talking on the phone or looking at directions. At crossings, don’t assume that drivers will let you go because you have the right of way. Please remain alert and take extra precaution.
- Carry your bank card. It’s always a good idea to have money on you, in case of emergency. For example, if the weather turns bad, you get lost, or an injury starts bothering you, you may need to take a taxi or bus back to your starting point. It may also come in handy if you need to stop and buy water, sports drink, food, or first aid supplies during your run.